Madame Sophia’s predictions for 2011 – 2

Inquiring minds want to know: Who’s wedding will be happening this year? Leave a comment of who you think it is. I won’t leave you guys in suspense for long, once the engagement is announced then it’ll be pretty obvious. Cheers and Jitters Itamar December 31, 2010 at 1:05 am | # | Reply Hi, love the […]
A strange year

It’s time to wrap up this year… It’s been a wild and weird one. Of course, i wouldn’t have wanted it any other way! Cheers and Jitters
The gift of the Kannai 6

The last line really sums up Queen Mab, and the whole view the Fey have of humans. And yes, I will push the point once again that it’s crazy how our modern society has over sexualized a race that back in the middle ages were seen as soulless monsters. I’m just saying it’s funny, y’know. […]
The gift of the Kannai 4

Foxfier December 17, 2010 at 8:56 pm | # | Reply K… that hits really, really close for anyone who’s ever been in a bad guild, run with the wrong crowd or had a friend who was “that guy.”