The last line really sums up Queen Mab, and the whole view the Fey have of humans. And yes, I will push the point once again that it’s crazy how our modern society has over sexualized a race that back in the middle ages were seen as soulless monsters.
I’m just saying it’s funny, y’know.
Hee, Looks like Queen Mab knows the human male well. xD
Also come to think of it, I think that is the first time I have seen any kind of bad language in the comic.
Yes she does
And you’re right, I don’t like using a lot of strong language in the writing. When I do, it’s got to be justified, and it has to kinda slap you in the face and say “you weren’t expecting that, were you?”. In this case, it’s not just what Mab says that pushed the point, it’s that she says it so flippantly.
I don’t think “boobies” or “breasts” would have the same impact in this case.
Hey, elves were around as semi-divine (and sometimes beautiful) beings long before the christian middle ages. If you want to complain about soulless monsters who are now oversexualized just look at Vampires.
Elves are not fairies
And then there is the bad habit of researchers to translate the funky beings from other cultures as identical to a term familiar in western culture,
So, many of the beings from other cultures get designated as ‘gods’, ‘spirits’ or ‘elves’: English words which are now used to describe a gathering of beings from different cultures which may not even resemble eachother that much, Just look at Eastern and Western dragons.
I think it is quite likely, more than a few creature’s got jumbled together in a smelting pot and labeled fairy. In the case of the Irish fey for instance, stories of at least one type of otherworldly being and the people who inhabited the isle before the celts where most likely blended.
The problem is, you’re right, there’s a huge gap between the terminology and the crypto-cladistics of the whole fey creature thing. What exactly divides a daoine sidhe from an elf? Or are the terms synonymous? Is one a subset of the other?
Methinks Mab has been hanging around with the satyrs too much.