Three Date challenge 3
You know, You work really hard to come up with some great unique concept, only to discover that it had totaly been done before more than a decade ago: Oh well, I’m in good company.
Cold Cold Heart
Messer February 6, 2011 at 10:05 am | # | Reply WOAH, So if I’m reading this right that makes Betty virgin O_o. Thats shocking. jesssack February 7, 2011 at 11:09 am | # | Reply not that shocking. you’de be surprised by how many people around you are virgins.
Primitive love 3
I love writing these “shovel strips”, where the characters unknowingly dig themselves deeper and deeper… and Ud’s the type that’d think he was looking for gold the whole time. (that or some kind of saber toothed badger… they have those, right?) Also. I’d just like to announce that the Fan art page is now up! So pop […]
The Mr Science Science show – “heart”
This one was a weird on to write, I really wanted to do both a Mr. Science strip and get a little deeper with Betty. It took me to strange new places. I like it. Not to worry though, this is a great place to visit, but the strip’s not going to live there.