12 March
2 March

Three years of Mediocrity

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Three years of Mediocrity

It’s hard to imagine that I’ve been at this three years. It feels like a lot longer, Like I’ve been doing this my whole life! Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot on life and what it holds: Is it better to sacrifice who you are to become who you want to be? or To accept […]

22 February

The telephone game

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The telephone game

Hey, big shout out to everyone in Christchurch, New Zealand. I’m thinking of you and I hope you’re okay… …And if you see my girlfriend tell her to call me!!! I’m kinda worried. (even though she’s on a hike and probably doesn’t even realize that anything happened… I hope.)

21 February


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Happy President’s day or Family day to all of my American and Canadian Friends out there… Unless you’re in British Columbia, in which case you should get back to work. Err February 21, 2011 at 1:51 am | # | Reply I have a feeling that I think I know where this is going.

12 February

Back to the old watering hole 6

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Back to the old watering hole 6

Yes, the third (and hopefully last) time Bree tells her stupid joke.

11 February

Back to the old watering hole part 5

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Back to the old watering hole part 5

I’d just like to say, today is a day that history will remember as the day we realized that a government cannot strong arm it’s people forever. I want to say congratulations to all the people of Egypt. The battle is over, and now you have a golden opportunity to rebuild into the country you […]

10 February
9 February
8 February
12 November

Into the fire 6

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Into the fire 6

Silverwolf March 2, 2013 at 2:00 pm | # | Reply And in the next strip, Ed is euthanized for rabies.