The Ed’s R Us awards

And now, here we go… It’s the comic guy Vs Hank for the right not to have to wear a dress tomorrow. Ed “The comic guy” Appleby The Kings Speech (Best Picture) Colin Firth (Best Actor) Geoffrey Rush (Supporting Actor) Natalie Portman (Actress) Melissa Leo (Supporting Actress) How to train your dragon (Animated) David Fincher […]
The telephone game

Hey, big shout out to everyone in Christchurch, New Zealand. I’m thinking of you and I hope you’re okay… …And if you see my girlfriend tell her to call me!!! I’m kinda worried. (even though she’s on a hike and probably doesn’t even realize that anything happened… I hope.)
Primitive love 5

So for everyone who was thinking that it was Ud and Alex that were going to be getting married this year… gotcha! Just a little dodge to keep you guys on your toes… I can tell you this though, I will be revealing who it is on Valentines day. So if you want to know […]
Primitive love 3

I love writing these “shovel strips”, where the characters unknowingly dig themselves deeper and deeper… and Ud’s the type that’d think he was looking for gold the whole time. (that or some kind of saber toothed badger… they have those, right?) Also. I’d just like to announce that the Fan art page is now up! So pop […]