Dancing Queens – End.

And that ends this storyline! I tried a lot of new things, some worked, some didn’t. But over all I love how this turned out. I’m going to take the rest of the week off, I’ll see you next week with a new Betty and the Beast. Cheers.
Three years of melodrama

Let’s face it, the whole Georgia / Ed thing has been pretty Melodramatic lately. I’m enjoying this week of the crazy before I get back into a story line.
Herding Cats
Tomorrow is Oscar night, and you know what that means… it’s time for the Oscar pools! Those pools for those of us who have little to no interest in football, (ie: Actors)… It’s also time for Hank to step up to the plate and put up his choices for who’s going to win, under threat […]
Psychological problems

For those of you unfamiliar with what Ed might be (unsuccessfully) driving at, let me give you a little hint…